Ethics & Organizational Behavior, M.S.

a group of students sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture

The vanguard of critical thinking, moral debate, the search for truth, leadership, 尊重地参与影响世界各地组织的争议性话题.

Catherine T. MacArthur School

Online , West Palm Beach



About PBA's Ethics and Organizational Behavior M.S.

Includes Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies

The public square generally, and organizational leaders specifically, are in dire need of critical thinkers who can engage, understand, 并在我们所生活的多元化和全球化社会中解决道德问题和具有挑战性的问题. 本课程旨在培养学生批判性分析理论和论证的能力, identify often hidden philosophical assumptions, seek out logical fallacies in argument, locate truth and wisdom, and develop cogent and innovative solutions as unique problem solvers.

我们鼓励哲学作为相关的理论和实践的参与,而不是简单地理解, but to isolate falsities, understand related issues, and seek out truth for the good of the individual, the organization and our global community. We do not seek to merely “teach” our students. Instead, we focus on encouraging them to contemplate in new ways, critically evaluate research and relevant issues, 带着对我们每天都带着的偏见的感激,自由地为自己思考.

The M.S. in Ethics & PBA的组织行为学是一门严谨的课程,专注于与相关组织和社会问题相关的哲学和理论. 我们的教师是备受尊敬的十大赌博网站,其目标不亚于培养批判性思想家,他们将率先变革并帮助建立组织, societies, and the world a better place.

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What Can You Do With a Master’s in Organizational Behavior?


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Program Details

  • M.S. 学位与领导力研究生学习证书是灵活的个人生活环境,可以在12或24个月内完成.
  • 学生可以在全年的任何分学期参加该课程.
  • 学习的高潮是一个顶点项目或论文,这取决于学生.
  • 专注于人类信仰、态度、意图和行为的全谱.
  • 学生可以参加任何课程,无论是亲自或异步在线.
  • Students can attend full-time or part-time at their own pace.
  • 学生可以根据自己独特的兴趣来调整学习和研究.
  • 提供与教师合作的机会,在研究工作中,出席会议,出版书籍或文章.

  • Executive Leadership and Senior Management
  • Ethics Compliance and Regulatory Affairs
  • Public Policy Research & Think Tanks
  • International Affairs & Humanitarian Issues
  • Healthcare Administration & Bioethics
  • Management & Organizational Consulting
  • Nonprofit and Social Justice Initiatives
  • Preparation for a PhD or other Terminal Degree


EOB 5013 – Organizational Leadership Concepts & Theory (Summer A Term 3cr.)
本课程提供组织领导力研究的基础探索,包括定义, theory, concepts, and practices. 学生将研究领导思想的历史,并了解领导理论是如何随着时间的推移而演变的. 学生将综合有效领导的关键概念,提高组织,同时评估当代领导理论的优势和劣势. 学生将通过运用他们的研究,通过批判性思维和研究生水平的写作来综合逻辑论点,从而提高他们的学术写作水平.
EOB 5003 – Organizational Behavior (Summer B Term 3cr.)
本课程借鉴了理论和实践的见解,以更好地理解信仰如何, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors of individuals affect the organization. 将探讨群体形成和相互依存关系建立的心理基础. Theories of individual beliefs and motivation, group decision-making, conflict management, group formation and behavior will be explored. 学生将运用相关的心理学理论来综合论证并进一步进行研究生水平的研究.
EOB 5123 -多元化组织中的圣经领导(秋季A学期3cr.)
这门跨学科课程探索圣经文本,发现与当前组织理论和实践相关的问题,以理解各种现代多元化背景下的领导力. 将注意圣经中的隐喻和主题,这将有助于更好地理解涉及持有不同世界观和生活哲学的个人的当代组织挑战.

EOB 5063 – Leading Organizational Behavioral Change (Fall A Term 3cr.)
EOB 5053 – Strategic Leadership and Planning (Fall B Term 3cr.)
EOB 5133 – Human Resource Development (Fall B Term 3cr.)
EOB 5023 – Philosophy of Social Science (Spring A Term 3cr.)
EOB 5033 – History of Ethics (Spring A Term 3cr.)
EOB 5113 – Philosophy of Moral Leadership (Spring B Term 3cr.)
EOB 5093 – Research Thesis (Any Term as approved 3cr.)
EOB 5001 – Research Thesis Continued as Needed (Continuation Term 1cr.)
EOB 5011 -研究论文按需继续(第二续读学期1cr).)

Note: Students intending to pursue the Ph.D. (特别是在社会科学,而不是人文科学)建议参加BUS 5043 -定量方法在M预科.S.

PBA students attend a classroom lecture.

The Catherine T. MacArthur School

The Catherine T. 麦克阿瑟学校将使你有能力为世界带来积极的变化. You’ll take part in a multi-dimensional approach to learning, exploring how to effectively lead intellectually, spiritually and professionally both locally and globally.

Catherine T. MacArthur School



Have questions? Please reach out to our graduate admissions department.

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Phone: (561) 803-2852

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Student reads the bible at the front of chapel.

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